This product is not available for new orders. We recommend ordering: LoggerNet.
PC208W Windows-based Datalogger Support Software
Services Available
Repair No
Calibration No
Free Support No


PC208W contained Windows-based programs that provided computer support for data logger program development/editing, telecommunications, data transfer, real-time graphical data display, storage module communication, and data reduction/report generation.



PC Requirements

The PC should be IBM-compatible that is running Windows 3.1, NT, 95, 98, 2000, or XP. The PC should also have a 3.5" disk drive and an RS-232 port for a Hayes modem or other communication interfaces. Transfer of data from a card storage module to the computer requires an MCR1 Card Reader or a PCMCIA slot on the computer (contact factory for details).

PC208W was replaced by LoggerNet software at the end of 2002; technical support of PC208W remains available.


PC208W Patch v.3.3 (4.5 MB) 04-11-2001

Upgrade PC208W versions 3.0-3.2a to the latest 3.x revision; no intermediate steps are required.

PC208W 3.0 or greater must be installed on your machine.

Case Studies

Australia: Examining the Impacts of Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change
An experimental facility (OzFace) has been established in Townsville, Australia to examine the impacts more

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