Soon the CS475A will replace the CS475-series pulse radar water-level sensors. Radar sensors determine water level by emitting short microwave pulses and then measuring the elapsed time between the emission and return of the pulses.
The CS475A meets the USGS Office of Surface Water (OSW) accuracy requirements (< 0.05% over 0 to 20 ft). Other improvements over its predecessors include support for the new SDI-12 version 1.4 functionality, such as SHEF-coded metadata and the ability to make 1 Hz measurements. The CS475A also features:
The CS475A can support many applications, including monitoring tides for a NOAA physical oceanographic real-time system (PORTS®). Because it is mounted above the water, the CS475A is ideal for any application where submersed sensors can be damaged due to corrosion, contamination, or flood-related debris.