i have a problem with a SDM-SIO1A.
when i use the fisical C1 com port on CR6 datalogger ALL work perfect.
SerialOpen (ComC1,115200,16,0,50,3)
but, when i connect the sensor on an SDM-SIO1A with address 1 (com 33) i can't comunicate with sensor.
SerialOpen (33,115200,16,0,50)
I tried to extend the delay time up to 1000mSec but it didn't work.
for retrive information i use this string (i try with "33" con comport and i tried to add delay but no work.)
ModbusMaster (ErrorCode,ComC1,115200,Count,3,A_Axis_Degrees(Count),&H101,1,1,10,0)
can we help me? thanks