Hello everyone
I have a CR1000X with a AM16/32 Multiplexer in 2x32 mode with a lot of sensors attached, to which i want to add an apogee ST-110 thermistor. The logger is already equipped with many sensors, among others there are three net radiometers connected to a multiplexer that occupy channels 1 through 12. The net radiometer have pt100's, which are connected directly to the CR1000x using the VX2-4 channels. All other SE voltage ports are occupied. I have a HC2S3 temperature/rh sensor that i think could be moved to to multiplexer to make space for the ST110, which needs VX1 as excitation channel on the CR1000x.
The HC2S3 isread out with VoltSE() right now. In the manual for the AM16/32B it says in appendix B1 that for Single-ended voltage measurment the logger needs to be in 4x16 mode, mine is in 2x32 mode. Reading the schematics, could i also connect my HC2S3's temperature signal to e.g. multiplexer's 13L, and GND to a GND on the multiplexer, and in the program after all the VoltDiff() operations add another VoltSE() to read out the HC2S3? While VoltDiff write to DiffChan 2, the VoltSE would send to SEChan 4.
Could that work, to do a series of differential voltage scans and for one last measurement read out one of the pinouts as SE channel?
Thank you and kind wishes
We use a similar setup and you can easily read the HC2AS3 that way.
You would just add in the VoltSE when you are reading that port of the multiplexer, no need to wait until the end of your program.
If you have room on your multiplexer, I would definitely recommend reading the sensor with a VoltDiff though, gives a more relibable result in my experience.