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Error Connection through LoggerNet

VDC May 24, 2022 03:43 AM


I am working with a CR1000 that has connectivity issues, and I can not troubleshoot.

I was in contact with somebody from the support team, and I followed a procedure he gave me that worked previously. However now I can not communicate with my CR1000 anymore.

My CR1000 is plugged to the COM1 port of my laptop through a RS232 cable. The connection is serial-to-serial.

PakBus address: 1

Baud rate: 19200

The way the person previously solved my problem was:

open the Device Configuration utility -> Select "Unknown" in the "Device Type" and click on "connect" -> Let the program find the CR1000 (which it did) -> Setup a connection on LoggerNet with the same Baud rate and PakBus address as listed on the Device Configuration Utility.

So that worked, the CR1000 was connected for about 35min to my computer and I transferred a new program on the data logger. I decided to let the CR1000 run for a few hours on its own and disconnected it from my laptop.

After 2h, I came back to see if the new program managed to write data on the CF card plugged in the CFM100, but now I can not connect my CR1000 to my laptop anymore. Even the Device Configuration Utility program fails, it displays: "Terminal Emulation Failed" in its terminal window, and doesn't manage to find the CR1000 as it used to.

When I try to connect to the CR1000 with the same specifications as before through LoggerNet, I get these error messages:

Failure: 5/23/2022 19:31:51.794
Open failed
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:32:02.830
Open failed
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:32:13.858
Open failed
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:32:13.859
transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:32:13.859
transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:36:35.484
Open failed
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:36:35.486
transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:36:35.486
transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:31:51.794
Open failed
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:32:02.830
Open failed
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:32:13.858
Open failed
Failure: 5/23/2022 19:36:35.484
Open failed

Do you know how I could solve this issue ?

It was working before I disconnected the CR1000 from my PC. 

Thank you ! 


smile May 24, 2022 05:53 AM

have you already tried to redo the "unknown" procedure? maybe the logger program changes something in the logger serial settings?


forgetfultrait Sep 11, 2024 09:12 AM

Hi V. Devaux-Chupin,

It sounds like your CR1000 data logger is no longer communicating after being disconnected from your PC. Here are some steps you can try to resolve the issue:

  1. Check the RS232 cable connection: Ensure the RS232 cable is securely connected between the CR1000 and your COM1 port. Sometimes the physical connection can become loose.

  2. Restart the CR1000: Try power cycling the CR1000 by disconnecting and reconnecting the power source to reset it.

  3. Verify COM port settings:

    • Check that your laptop is still recognizing the correct COM port.
    • Go to your device manager, under "Ports (COM & LPT)," confirm that COM1 is the active port.
    • Ensure there is no conflict with another device trying to use the same COM port coreball
  4. Use the "Unknown" device trick again:

    • In the Device Configuration Utility, select "Unknown" in the "Device Type" and try to connect again, following the previous working procedure.
  5. Test with a different baud rate:

    • If the 19200 baud rate fails, try lower rates like 9600 in both the Device Configuration Utility and LoggerNet to see if the connection can be re-established.
  6. Clear the communication settings:

    • Sometimes the CR1000 can get stuck with communication parameters that prevent it from connecting. Try manually clearing the communication parameters by powering down the device and holding the "CR1000" reset button (if available) to reset the communication.
  7. Check LoggerNet settings:

    • Make sure that the PakBus address, baud rate, and other communication settings in LoggerNet match what was previously working. Sometimes small changes can break the connection.
  8. Test with another computer: If possible, try connecting the CR1000 to a different computer using the same RS232 cable to rule out issues with your laptop.

  9. Verify the CF card: In some cases, issues with the CF card can cause the CR1000 to behave unpredictably. Try removing the CF card from the CFM100 and reconnecting to see if this resolves the issue.

If none of these steps work, you may need to contact support again, but hopefully one of these solutions will help you get back up and running!

Best regards.

JenniferTuttle Dec 12, 2024 09:00 AM

This post is under review.

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