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034B-LC Met One Wind Set for CS110 or MetData1
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This version of the 034B Wind Set has a connector rather than the standard pigtails. The connector attaches to the CS110 Electric Field Meter or MetData1 Weather Station. The 034B-LC combines a 3-cup anemometer and vane into a single integrated package. It is constructed out of lightweight aluminum and designed for continuous long-term operation.

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Detailed Description

This version of the 034B Wind Set has a connector rather than the standard pigtails. The connector attaches to the CS110 Electric Field Meter or MetData1 Weather Station.

Met One’s 034B Windset combines an anemometer and vane into a single integrated package. It is constructed of lightweight aluminum and is designed for continuous long-term operation.

The 034B measures wind speed using a three-cup anemometer that contains a sealed magnetic reed switch. Rotation of the cupwheel produces a pulse that is directly proportional to wind speed. The frequency of the pulse is measured by the data logger pulse count channel, then converted to engineering units (mph, m/s, knots).

Wind direction is sensed with a potentiometer. With the precision excitation voltage from the data logger applied to the potentiometer element, the output signal is an analog voltage that is directly proportional to the azimuth of the wind direction.


Wind Speed (Anemometer)

Range 0 to 75 m/s (0 to 167 mph)
Accuracy < 10.14 m/s (22.7 mph) 0.1 m/s (0.25 mph)
Accuracy > 10.14 m/s (22.7 mph) ±1.1% of true Wind Direction (Vane)
Resolution < 5°
Starting Threshold 0.4 m/s (0.9 mph)
Sensor Output Pulsed contact closure

Wind Direction (Vane)

Mechanical Range 360°
Electrical Range 356° (4° open)
Accuracy ±4°
Damping Ratio 0.25
Resolution 0.5°
Potentiometer Resistance 0 to 10 kΩ (open at crossover)


The connector can be attached to the CS110 Electric Field Meter or MetData1 Weather Station. The CS110 has a CR1000 and the MetData1 has an on-board CR10X.

The anemometer is measured by the PulseCount Instruction when used with the CS110, and by Instruction 3 (Pulse Count) when used with the MetData1. The wind vane is measured by the BrHalf Instruction when used with the CS110 and by Instruction 4 (Excite-Delay-SE) when used with the MetData1.


Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related to 034B-LC: 2

  1. The information included on a calibration sheet differs with each sensor. For some sensors, the sheet contains coefficients necessary to program a data logger. For other sensors, the calibration sheet is a pass/fail report.

  2. This depends on the information contained in the calibration sheet:

    • If the calibration sheet contains coefficient information, Campbell Scientific keeps a copy, and a replacement copy can be requested.
    • If the calibration sheet does not contain coefficients, Campbell Scientific does not keep a copy. It may be possible to contact the original manufacturer for a replacement copy.

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